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Presentamos nuestro remineralizante jabón de arcilla blanca, hecho con una delicada mezcla de aceites, mantecas y minerales para crear un jabón suave y cremoso. Esta barra de jabón el aroma se da de forma natural por sus ingrediente. Es un jabón muy gentil para la piel sensible, con alegría a los aroma y colores.


La arcilla blanca proviene de estractos de rocas sedimentadas muy ricas en diferentes minerales.


La arcilla blanca se caracteriza por tener un efecto rejuvenecedor, remineralizante, calmante y seborregulador.


Beneficios de nuestro jabón de arcilla blanca


Purifica la piel


Calma e hidratar la piel sensible


Elimina impureza mediante la exfoliación


Regulador de sebo


Para todo tipo de piel


Introducing our White Clay Soap, made with a delicate blend of oils, butters and minerals to create a soft, creamy soap. This bar of soap's aroma is given naturally by its ingredients. It is a gentle soap for sensitive skin, with joy in aromas and colors.


White clay comes from extracts of sedimented rocks very rich in different minerals.


White clay is characterized by having a rejuvenating, remineralizing, soothing and sebum-regulating effect.


Benefits of our white clay soap


Purifies the skin


Smooth and moisturize sensitive skin


Eliminates impurity through exfoliation


Sebum regulator


For all skin types

Jabón Arcilla Blanca

  • Aceite de coco, agua destilada, aceite de oliva, aceite de palma(Cértificado RSPO), aceite de arroz, manteca de cocoa, soja, arcilla verde y aceite esencial de arbol de te.

    Coconut oil, distilled water, olive oil, palm oil (RSPO Certified), rice oil, cocoa butter, soybeans, green clay and tea tree essential oil.

    Weight: 3.5-4 OZ Aprox. Please not that our handmade soaps are cut by hand, so weight and design may vary.

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